
富力足球英语课堂 Lesson 17丨Officiating 2

富力足球学院 富力足球学校 2022-09-13


申诉 | appeal

If a player thinks that the referee has made a bad decision, he can appeal to try to persuade the referee to change his decision.

手势 | body language

The referee uses body language to communicate with the players and assistant referees because the pitch is too large and noisy for people to hear what the referee says.

警告 | caution

If a player breaks the rules, the referee will caution him with a yellow card. This is a

warning for the player and if he breaks the rules again, he may be sent off.

抛硬币 | coin-toss

Before the match, the referee uses a coin-toss to decide which team kicks off first. The team captains each pick heads or tails and the referee flips the coin.

直接任意球 | direct free-kick

If a player commits a serious foul, then the referee will give the other team a direct

free-kick. The attacking team can score from a direct free kick.

抛球 | drop-ball

A drop-ball is a way of restarting play without giving ether team an advantage. The referee will do this when play is stopped for an unusual reason.

间接任意球 | indirect free-kick

If a player commits a minor foul, the referee may award an indirect free-kick. The attacking team can not score from an indirect free-kick.

罚下 | sending off

If a player commits a red card offence, the referee will punish the player by sending him off the pitch.

担架 | stretcher

If a player is badly hurt, the medics will carry the player off the pitch on a stretcher.

禁赛 | suspension

If a player is sent off, normally he is also punished with a suspension. This means that he can't play for at least the next match in the competition.


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富力足球英语课堂 Lesson 16丨Officiating

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